You Will Always Be Mine - Chapter#12 (part-1)


 Ahad stared at Kanwal's face in amazement as she took in each detail of the hall. She was too engrossed to realize that she has been standing on one spot for the last three minutes. At first, Ahad thought of calling her out, but seeing how stunning she looked in her bridal attire, he subsides the thought and takes his time in watching her with marvel.

Golden pencil heels, red and purple coloured dress with golden embroidery and her glowing face with the red contrast of dupatta on her head, Ahad had never thought that Kanwal could look even more beautiful than she naturally is. He didn't see even the tiniest imperfection in her. She is flawless. Tall and gorgeous, she stood like a queen, holding the tail of her dress in a pinch. But the look on her face was of that he couldn't compare to an elegant queen. It was the look he had always loved, sweet and innocent. 

Ahad snapped out of a daze when Kanwal awkwardly changed her position and he got up to guide her further.


Kanwal's mind went wandering off somewhere in Ahad's parents' house. It wasn't as big and lavish as this, but it had always given her the cosy feeling of home. While here, she feels like a mere hotel for temporary residence rather than a home.  Following silently behind Ahad, Kanwal glanced at the huge living room and dining room.

How much money did he spend on it???  

Kanwal's jaws clenched as the answer hits her.

"This is our room." She heard Ahad's voice.

She lifted her gaze and took in the scenery - A huge room of beige and golden interior with small bunches of flowers, mostly roses, welcomed her. This time, Kanwal cringed at the thought that Ahad sold his soul for this luxury.

As Kanwal studied the room, the smell of fresh flowers keeps reminding her of the situation she is in. Her focus turned from the things around her to the person with her in the room.

Kanwal's breathing stopped for a moment when she heard the sound of the door closing behind her. Unconsciously, both of her arms wrapped around herself in a protective manner, as she felt herself in danger. Her eyes set on the floor as she concentrated on the sound of Ahad's approaching steps.

"Do you like our room?" Ahad said, coming near her. Kanwal slowly raises her gaze to look at the room once again and lowered them, without uttering a word.

Kanwal clenched her jaws to fight back the unknown fear emerging in her. But unfortunately, it was way too much to endure and her body started to shiver. 

A hand cupped her face and lifted it. "Are you alright?" 

She failed to notice Ahad's approach. It not only startled her, but she unconsciously took an abrupt step back. Inhaling a deep breath, she gulped as her eyes were fixed on the man before her. Kanwal's mind wasn't working properly, the only thing it does, was to compare this Ahad to the old Ahad, making her even more scared than before.

Ahad narrowed his eyes at her and yanked her to him by grabbing her arm.

"Why did you pull back?" He leaned closer. His hold wasn't the touch a girl would expect from her husband. Kanwal's throat went dry as she stared at him in disbelief and horror.

Ahad was her prince on the white stallion. She loved him because of his gentle nature. But the man who touched her just now wasn't gentle as Ahad she loved. His voice didn't hold politeness like before and his hold was quite forceful.

Kanwal knew him since she was nine years old, and throughout those years, she had never feared him as now. Not even then when Mahnoor set them up on the rooftop alone. But she was scared now. His behaviour was unexpected and rough. Subconsciously, she was still hoping to see the old Ahad or perhaps she was being delusional.

What if I were wrong?   

Her mind raised this question many times and she kept avoiding it. But now, seeing how Ahad is frowning at her, she realized that she is out of time.

"You don't like my touch?" Ahad's other hand cupped Kanwal's left cheek, "Or maybe you prefer that man's touch. What was his name? Abdul Rafay... right?" He smirked and Kanwal just stared back at him in horror and surprise.

She couldn't fathom what surprised her more, that he knows about Abdul Rafay or he is accusing her of something that she never wished for.

  "Are you disappointed that you ended up with me?" He asked, levelling his face to her.  Yet again, Kanwal didn't answer and her body starting to shiver badly.

"Answer me, Kanwal." He ordered in a low tone.

"I don't know." She breathed out, too scared because of the closeness. His thumb on Kanwal's cheek slid to her chin.

"Hmmm! What a pity." Ahad said before capturing her lips with his. He had waited for this moment for too long. He now finally has his love in his arms and tonight there is no stopping him.

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