You Will Always be Mine - Chapter#3 (part-2)

It became a habit of his to watch every carnival of his town from a distance, but he never wished to be a part of it. Perhaps he realized that these little things, these little moments of joy aren't for him. So he watches, standing away from the crowd, he watches the smile of every single face in his sight.

With a painful smile, Moosa's gaze shifted from one face to another, until it froze on a certain face. The face of which is becoming more and more attractive to his eyes with each passing day. The face of which often intrigues his thoughts. The face that often pops up before his eyes without invitation, without any reason. The face that belongs to a certain someone - Mahnoor.

Moosa's painful expression changed into concern when he saw those big brown eyes searching frantically for something or someone.

Who is she looking for? Is she lost....?

The thought itself made him worry and his feet start moving unconsciously to her. Although it was a stupid thing to do, as she isn't a child who couldn't go back home by herself, that wasn't Moosa's thoughts right now. The only thing he wants is to wipe that frown off her forehead.

His steps halted when she made her way to a corner and soon his eyes spotted another familiar face.


But she wasn't alone, Moosa can easily see the figure standing near her.


So he finally decided to face her...

The thought made him smile and he turns his attention back to the pretty girl who is stomping towards them, with an angry look on her face and clenched fists.

He chuckled and shakes his head. The view is amusing to him. How a small, vulnerable girl like her is marching towards a man to save her friend. A part of him is telling him to stay where he is and enjoy her feisty attitude from afar, but the other one is asking him to stop her and give more time to Ahad.

Moosa took out his phone and dialled Mahnoor's number, which he memorized without trying and raised his head to see the owner of the phone.

Mahnoor stopped her tracks for a moment to see the caller ID. With a small frown on her face, she dismissed the call.

So she doesn't answer calls from unknown numbers...

Moosa thought and smiled on her cautious attitude, with his eyes fixed on Mahnoor.

He quickly looks around and holds the hand of a ten-year-old kid who is in line to buy popcorns.

"Beta, will you do me a favour?" Moosa bent down to the boy and asked. But the kid wouldn't reply to him.

"I will buy ice cream for you and you can eat as much as you want if you do my single work." Moosa sensed the change in the boy's body language and quickly handed over some money to the boy before saying, "Do you see that girl over there?" Moosa said, pointing towards Mahnoor.

"Mahnoor Baji?" The boy asked him.

"You know her?" Moosa asked and the boy nodded.

"Good. Now please run off to your Mahnoor Baji and tell her that her Bhai had collapsed on the ground because he isn't feeling well." The boy's eyes widened and he quickly runs off to Mahnoor. It made Moosa wonder if the boy knows her family. The thought made him leave his place and strides back to the exit.

"To home" Moosa said to his guard. Before leaving, he turned back and stole a glance of a panicked looking Mahnoor, who was almost running towards the ground. He wanted to go after her, watch her a bit longer, but he couldn't. He is afraid of himself.

"See you later... My Noor." He mumbled to himself and exited.


In a state of panic, Mahnoor immediately dashed towards the ground where she left Hammad. She didn't even bother to ask who informed the boy about her brother. She was almost completely out of breath by the time she reached the ground. Her feet halted and her eyes widened at the view before her, as relief washed over her. Mahnoor could see her brother teaching Alina how to handle a flying kite, with the same fresh expression he always held on his face.

For a moment, she stared at their happy faces, until the image of Ahad and Kanwal flashed back into her mind.

Ya Allah Kanwal...!

And once again, Mahnoor starts running back to Kanwal.

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