You Will Always be Mine - Chapter#4 (part-2)

We need more men, Moosa. We need more people who can work as our source of information from different fields of life." Ahad said in a very low voice, as he puts aside both his and Moosa's phone after taking out their batteries. It is to ensure the chance of their conversation being traced is lessened.

This was the time when their villa in Dubai wasn't constructed, so taking precautions are their first priority.

"We can use our sweepers for this purpose too." Moosa suggested.

"That's exactly what I don't want. Sweepers are our field workers, Moosa. Their training takes months of hard work and we have spent a huge amount of money to make them proficient in handling weapons. If we assign them this sort of work, their whole training will go to waste. Besides, it will get a lot of riskier if their background is disclosed." He paused for a moment. Taking a hint when Moosa didn't say anything, he continues, "We need people with a clear background. Who has no question marks in their previous lives. Such people can easily be sent to any field and any place of the world for job purposes and to collect the information we need."

"I don't think they would be helpful to us without being trained to trace information and if we trained them, they will have a question mark on their profile." He said, leaning back on the sofa.

"Yes, so we have to collect information without their knowledge, by bounding them to give us a monthly or weekly report and confirm that information from our experts."

"But how can we find this much manpower?" Moosa asked the question of which had been bugging his mind since Ahad mentioned about the need for more men.

"Shareefabad!" Ahad answered, looking into Moosa's eyes.

"What?" Moosa frowned.

"The people of Shareefabad aren't loyal to us. They can be useful for other parties which are working against us. So we silence them by taking their children."

"Ahad, this does not make any sense." Moosa said while frowning.

"Listen Moosa, right now Shareefabad is divided into three groups; families of our members, our workers which we hire, and the original residential families. We don't need to be worried about both first groups, as they are a part of us, but people of Shareefabad are not. According to the analysis, around fifteen students from the residence graduate from the college in that area. We can pick the students from there. It will make our hold on their lives stronger and it will keep their mouths shut for sure. Their loyalty will eventually be with us when we have their kids."

"This is absurd." Moosa shook his head.

"Oh! So you are going to beg them to support you?" Moosa's head snapped towards Ahad, but he remained silent.

Ahad sure has a good brain in his skull, but his choice of words can really piss people easily. Especially when he is eager about something.

"By picking students of that age will be more beneficial for us rather than looking for grown people. They can easily be moulded into our environment and there would be many other benefits too." Ahad went silent. He knows Moosa will have a hard time of rejecting his proposal, not only because he is aware of the need of more people in the gang, but for the responsibility of sweepers is asking him to accept it. The responsibility for the safe future of their families, that's why he started to expand the area of Shareefabad, so their families can live directly under their protection.

Being in charge of the Black Eagles' business, he comes to understand that the big post comes with bigger responsibilities. He also realizes that having a strong network of information is better than risking their men in direct missions. But above all, Ahad's proposal has a selfish reason too.

He wants to make sure that he is able to use every option he has to make sure that Kanwal wouldn't slip out of his hands.

"The satisfied look on your face implies that you are sure that I won't reject your idea, Ahad. Why is that?" Moosa asked.

"Because you won't, as we have the same reasons. ALL OF THEM." Ahad answered and Moosa only cocked an eyebrow, which made Ahad laugh.

"You think I will forgive you for throwing all the business work and second in command work on me?" Ahad smirked and continued, "As the second in command of Black Eagles, I am taking my job very seriously and keeping a very close eye on the leader."

"And you are referring to?" Moosa narrowed his eyes.

"To a certain person in Shareefabad who caught your attention." His smirk widened and Moosa quickly averted his gaze.

"How much do you know?" Moosa asked after a moment of silence.


It surprised Ahad that he didn't try to deny him or give him an explanation.

"More than anyone I guess."


"So you agree that my information is true?" Ahad couldn't stop himself from asking.

"Denial of truth isn't my style." Moosa got up and said before leaving, "I will give you my answer tomorrow with regard to the matter we discussed."

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