You Will Always be Mine - Chapter#5 (part-2)

After obtaining full details of the recent updates by the gang's field workers aka sweepers, Moosa came back home. He was exhausted after running back and forth between the base and the main house. It was his own mistake, to begin with. He was so captivated by the thought of a certain person that he ordered his men to go to the main house, instead of going to the base. And what's more surprising to him was that he didn't realize his mistake until he got a call from Sarmad. Before receiving the call, he dismissed his driver and guards for the day, so now he has to do everything by himself. When Moosa was about to enter his room, he got a call from Ahad's assistant.

Frowning, Moosa answered the call, "Hello?"

"Assalam o Alaikum, Moosa Bhai." The caller said.

"Wallaikum Assalam. What is it?"

"Moosa Bhai, Ahad Bhai wants to meet you right now."

"Right now?" Moosa sounded surprised, "Did Ahad or you see the time before contacting me?" His frown deepened, as he asked in a low voice.

"B-bhai, Ahad Bhai said he wants to meet you before flying back to Dubai in the morning."

"Dubai? He is going back?" Moosa's brows arched.

"I guess so." The response was uncertain, meaning Ahad didn't tell him and he couldn't ask further.

"I will contact him directly. Allah Hafiz." Without receiving a response, Moosa hung up and quickly dialed Ahad's number.

"Hello Assalam o Alaikum." After the second ring, he heard Ahad's hoarse voice.

"Wallaikum Assalam, Ahad. You are planning to go back?"

"Yes, tomorrow morning."

"Hm! Have breakfast with me before leaving." Moosa ordered.

"Okay!" Ahad said and hung up.

With a slight nod, Moosa slipped his phone back into his pocket.

Things didn't go well with Kanwal...

Moosa's intuition told him earlier and Ahad's attitude was screaming. Going away for a while would be better for a person like him. Moosa knows Ahad, he is the type of guy who once sets his mind on something, he won't settle down until he finishes it. One of the biggest reasons for his success, and Moosa admires this quality of him. But real life is different, it is not business.

Moosa remembers the day when he first got to know about a young man from the field who shot a comment during the sweepers' meeting, pointing out that their plan has so many flaws and that they could easily solve it without being physically involved in the matter. Like Moosa, Sarmad didn't take his comment lightly and as a part of the gang, he asked for his suggestion.

Ahad came up with a plan on how they could use their information network to get the work done by the law enforcement agencies; through blackmailing their high authorities with the secrets they had. The plan was good. Not only would their involvement in this matter remain in the shadows, but it could also give them a good chance to completely erase the enemy by striking them when they are weak.

Since then, Moosa kept a close eye on Ahad. His involvement in the gang's affairs were always one step ahead of the others. Perhaps it is the way his business mind works. His sharp observations, quick and smart comebacks, and brilliant planning would leave others astonished. It gave Moosa the boldness of throwing extra responsibilities onto his shoulders, which he bears very skilfully and gradually, he proved himself a much more eligible candidate as second in command than he could ever imagine.

Ahad continuously held a hunger in his eyes. To Moosa, that hunger is not about the power and wealth, if it were, the look in his eyes would have changed long ago, but it wasn't the case here. Only a certain little change is noticed by Moosa, it was whenever Kanwal's name was mentioned. He witnesses instant changes in Ahad's body language as well as his voice whenever he talks about Kanwal. Ahad loves his fiancé dearly and Moosa wishes happiness for him.


"So, that's your final decision?" Moosa asked, taking a small sip of his tea. After breakfast, both men are having a second round of tea.

Ahad nodded, "That's the best thing I can think of right now."

"For how long?"

"A few months, until I finish my remaining work there."

"And what about Kanwal?"

"She needs to complete her studies. Both of us would have plenty of time later to sort out our problems."


"I am having a feeling that you aren't happy with my decision. Do you have other plans for me?"

After a short pause, Moosa replied thoughtfully, "Actually I have, but it could wait if you complete a few formalities."

"What sort of formalities?" Ahad arched his brows.

"Ahad, as you are aware that Shahina is the youngest worker in the mansion and the only one who is eager to complete her studies." Ahad nodded and Moosa continued, "I never took that kid as our servant, nor did Nats. She is almost the same as Yawar to us, just her hesitation to accept others keeps us away from her. And I have been thinking something lately, I don't want her to be under the shadow of the Black Eagles, or should I say, mine... So, for this reason, I am asking you to take the responsibility of Shahina as her guardian."

"What? ....Are you serious?!"Ahad exclaimed and Moosa nodded.

"That kid won't even talk to me and I'm not used to the responsibilities of a guardian. Hell, I can't even guard my own action and you are asking me to handle that vulnerable girl?" Ahad is completely startled by the request and it was quite amusing to Moosa as it is the first time he is watching Ahad in this state.

"She is just a teenage girl, Ahad..."

"Who doesn't associate with anyone aside from you and Nats."

"Listen Ahad, I am not asking you to take her into your complete custody. I am asking you to fulfil a certain responsibility. She will still stay here. It is only a precaution so that when she takes admission to college, her guardian would be a respected businessman, not a gang leader like me, whose business is unknown to the world." Moosa's words relaxed Ahad's tensed body.

"If it's just a formality, then I will agree to it. But I am telling you that I cannot practically do anything about it." Moosa nodded in acknowledgement.

"By the way, will it be okay with Yawar?" Ahad blurted.

"It shouldn't have anything to do with Yawar." Moosa said with his eyes on his phone, "You'll have to wait for a few hours before signing the papers."

"Fine, I will delay my departure." Ahad said, standing up.

"Where are you going now?"

"A personal business."

"At the graveyard?" Moosa asked without looking at him.

"Where else? I will come back after an hour or two. Allah Hafiz." With that, Ahad leaves Moosa's office.

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