You Will Always be Mine - Chapter#8 (part-2)

Abdul Rafay glares at her sister when he finds Maaz ready to go with them. Saima tried to explain to him but he refused to listen, saying, "We will talk about this later" and leaves Saima protesting in her mind about his attitude. 

Maaz's sudden change of plan surprised everyone, especially Alina. She had finally found someone who can enjoy swings with her, as Kanwal easily gets sicÄ· of it.

After reaching the farmhouse, the first thing Kanwal did was to serve snacks which Maaz requested, while Abdul Rafay was circled by the adults. What he does, his hobbies, his goals, they ask his whole biography and when he manages to get away from them, he storms towards the kitchen to give a piece of his mind to Saima but froze upon finding Kanwal instead of his sister.

Kanwal, who was busy exploring the kitchen got startled by his sudden entrance and from the look on his face, she could tell that something was off.

"Um... if you are looking for Saima Bhabi, then she is outside." Kanwal informed him.

"Huh? Oh! No. I wasn't looking for baji. I came here to... get a glass of water." Abdul Rafay said awkwardly.

What am I saying? 

Abdul Rafay thought.

"Oh! I will give it to you." Kanwal said and turned to the water dispenser. 

"No, it's fine. I can take-" Before he could complete the sentence, Kanwal puts a glass of water on the kitchen counter for him.

"Jazakallah!" He forced a smile and picked up the glass. On the other hand, Kanwal strides towards the stove.

Abdul Rafay in a somewhat flustered situation stood on his spot and took a sip from the glass. But before he could take a second sip, Kanwal turned to him and said, "We shouldn't drink water while standing." 

With that, she excused herself and Rafay felt like banging his head on the wall.

What the hell is wrong with me??? 

Why did I get so nervous all of a sudden???

Grumbling under his breath, he crouched down to the floor and finished the glass.


"Rafay..... I am asking you something. Don't avoid me." Saima whined like a kid walking behind him.

"And I am not answering you, so stop bothering me." Abdul Rafay tried once again to shove his sister away. How can he tell her that he is avoiding Kanwal because every time she comes in his view, his mind recalls the moment when he embarrassed himself in the kitchen?? 

Abdul Rafay is a man who cherishes the values and teachings of his culture. He still follows the small things Saima and his parents and grandparents taught them. He always drinks water after sitting down. But yesterday he was startled and what annoyed him more was that he can't seem to figure out the reason why. 

The way Kanwal said to him was like she was talking to a kid and it only embarrassed him more. Abdul Rafay isn't a shy person but he is also not the social butterfly type of person. He keeps a distance from women and doesn't talk much if it isn't necessary except for a few female friends from his student life.

"Rafay-" Before Saima could complete her sentence, she heard Haseeb's voice calling for her and she left giving him the 'you are not getting away with this' look. 

Abdul Rafay sighed in relief and walked towards the garden, where he promised to meet Alina so they could play cricket with Maaz. They gave him company until its time for them to go back home. Alina, being a chatterbox helped Abdul Rafay to realize that Kanwal isn't the type of girl who would make fun of others. So he lets his guard down and enjoys his two days of holiday. Just as Alina said, Kanwal is a really reserved girl who likes to mind her own work. She doesn't even talk to her own cousins Maaz and Haseeb much until Haseeb forced her to speak with him. 

After reaching home from the picnic, Abdul Rafay found his mother's behaviour unusual than before. On asking several times, she wouldn't say anything. Until Saturday, the day when Saima came to visit them weekly.

"Rafay, I need to talk to you about something." His mother said while serving breakfast to him.

"Ji? (what is it?)"

"How did your picnic go?" Abdul Rafay paused for a second and recomposes himself. He was surprised at his mother's question but still answers it.

"It was nice." He said nonchalantly.

"Do you know why your sister dragged you there?" Her tone of voice changed to disliking.

"No, Ami. I don't, and why are you so against baji all of a sudden?" He said, knowing very well that eventually, his mother would tell him.

"I am not against your baji, it's just the ideas she had." She sighed and continues, "Your sister took you there so you could meet Haseeb's cousin, Kanwal."

I had a feeling that she was up to something...

Abdul Rafay thought but didn't respond to his mother and kept himself busy with breakfast.



"Say something."

"Say what, Ami?"

"You are okay with Saima deceiving you?"

"It's not like we can do anything about it anymore, so don't bother yourself, Ami." He said, finishing up his meal and got up.

"Wait, Rafay."

"Ji, Ami?" He sighed.

"Your sister likes Kanwal and is thinking about sending your proposal for her." She said abruptly.

Abdul Rafay felt his heart making a strange flip. He decides to turn his attention to tying his shoelace after saying a 'Hmm' in the answer.

"What's with that 'Hmm', Rafay? I need to know whether you agree with her or not?"

"Kanwal is a nice girl, Ami... Am going now, Allah Hafiz." He said and leaves, while also indirectly giving his agreement to his mother's question.

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