You Will Always be Mine - Chapter#9 (part-1)

"Mano, I don't want to go home." Walking towards their houses after college, Kanwal finally said what has been bothering her since the news crashed to her that her Phuppo (father's sister) is coming for a visit and the worst part is that she is staying for a night too. Kanwal could not even take refuge in college as today is Saturday.

"Then let's go to my house for a while." Mahnoor suggested, slowing down her pace.

"I wish I could yar." Kanwal sighed. She knows if she tried this, her parents would drag her back home and even if they allowed her to stay over at Mahnoor's house even for a few hours, her Phuppos taunting will eventually make them call for her anyway.

"No offence yar, but your Phuppo is..." Mahnoor didn't complete the sentence and Kanwal understood without her saying.

"She wasn't like this before. Since all her kids got married and settled down, she is on a quest of doing social work." Kanwal explained.

"Social work?"

"Yeah, social work of finding a suitable partner for every single college girl in her family and getting them engaged too. And unfortunately, I am now her nearest target." Kanwal said, looking at the path ahead of them, to the bushes where she lost the bracelet Ahad had bought her from his first pay.

'I bought it again for you and this time I will put it on your hand myself...'

Kanwal gulped and quickly avert her gaze. She hadn't told Mahnoor about Ahad's email.


She also doesn't know.


Standing near the entrance, Kanwal is eavesdropping on the conversation between her Phuppo and parents who are discussing the most important issue in the world - her wedding. 
With each passing day, Kanwal is getting more and more irritated by this. Whenever she goes to family functions, all of the elders only have one thing to discuss.

Why can't they mind their own business???

She often thought it, but couldn't speak her mind to others.

"Mehmood, it's not like I am asking you to engage her straightaway. But it will be better if we start looking for a suitable partner for her." Kanwal's ears perked on hearing the word 'engage'.

"Baji, I am done with this topic. First Ishrat Baji, then Zaib, and now you. I have already made it clear that we are not bringing up this topic in front of Kanwal until she finishes her studies and I mean it. As for a suitable partner, we have already found one; Haseeb's brother-in-law and we have already asked them to set up the time.

Right now, let Kanwal live in peace. When she completes her master's degree, then I will talk to her personally if Allah grants me the chance. If not, Zaib will be taking responsibility instead of me."

"Hyn? Really?" Kanwal heard her Phuppo's excited voice and couldn't hear anything else.

As for a suitable partner, we have already found one...

Her father's voice echoed in her mind as she dragged herself to her and Alina's combined bedroom.


From the corner of her mind came Ahad's voice and she buried her head in her pillow. Slowly, her pillow starts getting drenched by her tears.


Days flew by and not long after, Kanwal's ultimate academic year has arrived. She turned her full attention toward her studies like it was the only goal of her life and after graduation, she was planning to study Law.

After the conversation her father had that night almost a year ago with his sister, no one has brought up that topic again, at least she never heard about it. Except for the night when Maaz visited their house, after knowing about Abdul Rafay's proposal for Kanwal and to her surprise, he came to ensure Kanwal that she doesn't have to force herself because of others and that she will always have him standing by her side whenever she needs him, as a brother should be. Therefore, she calmed herself and was able to focus on her education, family, and the people around her. But how could she ignore the increasing visit of Abdul Rafay's family in her house and the glances he stole from her.

As a person, Kanwal really respects Abdul Rafay. He is a simple, well mannered, soft-spoken and kind person, unlike super active and mischievous Ahad. Kanwal couldn't help herself from comparing both of them in every way possible. And every time she does, Abdul Rafay gets more points than Ahad. Slowly, she also starts to see that he would be a good husband but she was unable to imagine him as her husband.

During Kanwal's summer break, Abdul Rafay got the chance to talk to Kanwal directly, unlike before, when their conversation would never exceed from Salam. It was the second day of Eid when Abdul Rafay visited Kanwal's house. It was an unexpected visit and Kanwal's parents weren't at home. Therefore, he gave the gift he bought for her saying 'Saima Baji sent this to you.' Although it was Saima's idea to buy something for Kanwal, he was the one who spent several hours trying to choose a suitable Eid gift for her.

"Thank you." Kanwal said, accepting the gift hesitantly. "I will thank Saima Bhabi too."

Abdul Rafay smiled and say, "I'll be going now. Say Salam to everyone." 

Kanwal nodded and closed the door. She felt bad for not letting him in but she couldn't do that and he also wouldn't come in knowing that she is alone in the house.

Kanwal was about to open the gift when a sudden knock on the door startled her.

Who is it now...?

She thought, while looking through the eye hole of the door and found Abdul Rafay standing outside, looking at the floor.

Settling her dupatta back on her head, Kanwal opened the door.

"Ji? (Yes?)"

"Um, sorry. I forgot about this." He said as he held out his hand holding a box of Mithai (sweets) with an apologetic look.

"Thank you." Kanwal smiled back, taking the box.

As soon as Abdul Rafay retracted his hand, the phone he was holding in the same hand fell on the floor. He was already feeling embarrassed by giving Kanwal a present like this and forgetting to give Mithai at the same time and things are now getting even more awkward.

Kanwal couldn't help herself from chuckling at his startled state. He also smiled hesitantly and abruptly picked up his phone.

"Okay, Allah Hafiz." Abdul Rafay said, taking a step back and Kanwal nodded in acknowledgement.

"Um Excuse me." as Kanwal was about to go inside, Abdul Rafay called her again.

"Ji? (Yes?)" She turned to him.

"Smile more often. Allah Hafiz." With that, he spun on his heels and left, leaving Kanwal stunned on her doorstep.

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