Be Mine - Chapter#6 (part-2)

Yawar ghosted himself after that night. For which, Shahina was extremely thankful.

 His existence never caused any pleasure to her, although his absence was always relaxing. Without him being around she can freely roam around the house and do whatever she likes. No one asks her a single question or even bothers her with anything. Still, she feels obliged to help out Amma-Bi as much as she can and a bundle of things became a part of her routine without even knowing. 

Such as making afternoon tea, giving daily medicine to Amma-Bi, giving instructions to the cleaning lady, deciding the daily menu and many others. In one of these chores, taking care of Yawar's room was also her responsibility. Not because she wanted to, it was because he ordered her to. At first, Yawar forced Shahina, a fourteen-year-old girl to clean his entire room without the help of a maid and she had to do it secretly or else Yawar would get scolded if someone got to know that Shahina was threatened by him. 

Obviously, it wasn't a thing that could remain hidden for long and when Amma-Bi got aware of the situation she scolded Shahina for obeying Yawar. Later she informed Natasha instead of Moosa, in the end, Amma-Bi didn't want to get things serious. 

However, Natasha, who was involved in the matter of Yawar and Shahina from the start overlooked the matter just after telling her not to do it anymore. Talking to Yawar was useless since he was about to leave for his education. 
Strangely, Shahina kept doing everything Yawar had ordered her and slowly she got used to it.

 As time passed, it literally slipped her mind that there was no reason for performing this duty now. She was not a child and knows very well that her place cannot be replaced by someone nor will she be kicked out of the house as Yawar threatened her in the past.

Since Yawar came back to the main house Shahina's routine changed a bit, she always waited for him to go out and then went to check the room whether anything else needed to be done or not. It was just like any other day, Shahina checked the room and after turning off the lights she was about to leave when her eyes landed on a figure standing near the door. Hastily her hand went back to the switch and the lights were turned on. 

The figure she found standing at the door was none other than the owner of the room. Shahina froze in her place as the flashbacks of that night start repeating in her mind. But things were changed now, it was Yawar's room instead of Shahina and it was her standing in his room. 

But it's normal...
She tried to soothe herself.

Yawar who was standing silently finally spoke in a serious tone, "I see a chipkali (lizard) in my room." 
Shahina remained silent on his remark. 
"Care to tell me what are you doing here?" He asked swinging the apple in his hand like a ball. 
Instead of answering his question. Shahina lowered her head and stepped towards the door, hoping that he would move aside and let her go. But he was Yawar, whose actions always go against her hopes. He didn't budge and stood still in the middle of the door.

"I need to go." She mumbled.

"I need my answer." Yawar waited, but he didn't get anything else but her silence. 
"Coming into a guy's room in his absence...."
He intentionally left the sentence incomplete thinking she will get his point. However, the dumbfounded look on her face made him speechless.
He sighed and ask again, "What were to doing here?" 
"Safai (cleaning)" Shahina mumbled. 
Yawar tilted his head glancing at her empty hands and asked, "Why can't I see a duster or broom in your hands?" 
His question surprised Shahina and unable to speak, she nervously start looking around. Yawar barely managed to hold his smile and unexpectedly stepped aside. 
Taking the hint, Shahina quickly passed him but her steps instantly halt when she hears Yawar calling her.

"Here, look at my apple."

Unintentionally, Shahina turned and that's all that he needed. He quickly grabbed a corner of her dupatta and started rubbing his apple with it.
Despite the fact that he will badly be scolded if someone saw him messing with her dupatta, as it is considered a symbol of dignity. Still, he held it. He never held himself back from teasing her. It was his favourite hobby, but since when this teasing turned into something else he didn't know. 
Yawar always liked being the centre of her attention and now Shahina is becoming the subject of his every emotion. From jealousy to anger and from adoration to love. She was the teacher of most of the feelings. He felt in debt to her and wished her to know that she has become the centre of his entire universe. But he has a very peculiar way of showing it and he couldn't help it.

"Right... Doesn't it look clean now?" He asked bringing the apple near to her face.

Startled, she quickly nodded and Yawar moves his hand with a satisfied smile. She took a step towards the door thinking that he had already left her dupatta, but she was so wrong. It was still in his hand as he bites the apple from the other.

"Shahina? Where are you beta (child)?" Came the voice of Amma-Bi and Shahina eyes went wide.

With a frantic look in her eyes, she turned to Yawar, who was already watching her intentionally, still holding the corner of her dupatta. He loved this panic look on her face, it makes his heart beat fast. A strange sensation only she was able to give. The corner of his lips twitched and formed a smile. 

Suddenly he tossed her dupatta over her head and said, "Go, Amma-Bi is waiting."

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  1. hey when will u post the next chapter?

    1. We are sorry The author of Be mine ( Laila mehtaab) is hospitalized , next chapter will be published soon

    2. oh god the The author of Be mine (Laila mehtaab) is hospitalized?? im so sorry. i pray and hope she recovers soon.

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