You Will Aways Be Mine - Chapter#14 (part-1)


 Kanwal did sleep a little before lunch and afterwards, she got busy getting ready for the Walima ceremony. Just like yesterday, beauticians came to dress her up and after getting ready, she was unable to recognize herself.

She looked like a whole different person, a celebrity who got ready for her Walima. On the other hand, Ahad was also looking no less than a celebrity too. Kanwal kept stealing glances at him when he was putting on his wristwatch but soon managed to control herself, as an arrogant smirk appeared on Ahad's face. No matter how much she said that he isn't the same Ahad she loved, but somewhere deep within her heart, she still is attracted to him.

"Kanwal." On hearing her name, she raised her head and found Ahad standing near, stretching his hand towards her. Without thinking, she accepted that hand and got up.

Taking a step back, Ahad took in her whole appearance and a satisfying look came over his face when his eyes finally reached Kanwal's face. He smiled at her, holding a glint of happiness and pride in his eyes. 

"You're beautiful." He squeezed her hand slightly.

Instead of thanking Ahad on his compliment, Kanwal silently lowered her head. But on the next moment, she raised her head when she felt a ring slid on her finger. 

"Now your hands look perfect." He said, looking at the ring on her left hand which almost has the same design as their engagement ring.   "You shouldn't have taken the ring off." Ahad mumbled, still staring at her hand and caressing it with his thumb.

"You shouldn't have changed." Kanwal said in a low voice. 

"...You really learned to talk back." Ahad's eyes shot up to Kanwal as the arrogant smirk returned to his face. She didn't answer, nor did Ahad want any. He silently intertwined his fingers to hers and started to make his way towards the door.

Walking behind Ahad, Kanwal glanced at his face and couldn't help but think that she is some sort of trophy or a for him, which he is about to show to the world.


On reaching the venue, Kanwal's eyes went wide. The guests who were invited were all from an elite class. The people whom Kanwal had frequently seen on TV and in newspapers. Not even in her dreams, she thought that a normal girl like her would be meeting them in person. One by one Ahad introduced them to Kanwal and she smiled at each and everyone with an absent mind, except for one man - Moosa Ali Khan, the leader of Black Eagles, Ahad's boss. But his behaviour with Moosa didn't seem like a boss and the subordinate kind of relationship, it was more relaxed. Still, Kanwal didn't miss the respect Ahad held in his tone while talking to him.

Kanwal didn't Salam him, nor put a formal smile on her face. Maybe Moosa did notice her discomfort and quickly left their side. As soon as he walked away, Ahad said to her, "At least you could Salam him."

Kanwal pretended not to hear him and raised her gaze to look at the people laughing and talking to each other. How can she talk to someone who she believes to be the reason for Ahad being in this mess? Suddenly, a very familiar face appeared from behind a guest.

"Ayan!?" Kanwal breathed out the person's name and felt Ahads head snap towards her.

Ahad also turned her face to the guests and watched the young man of Kanwal's age come towards them with a warm smile. Following his instinct, he rushed towards the guy and engulfed him in an embrace. On the other hand, standing in her place, Kanwal watched both brothers talking with each other. She was having a hard time believing that Ayan could be here. Because she knew Ahad's family has cut their ties with Ahad. They don't even talk to him.

Then this....?

  "Assalam o Alaikum, Bhabi." Ayan said as he reached to Kanwal. But she was too shocked to answer him.

"Bhabi?" He called her out again and this time she managed to answer. 

You seemed surprised. He smiled.

"Ayan, you... Why are you here? 

How can I miss the Walima of my only brother?"

"Don't tell me... Are you from the Blacks Eagles too?" Kanwal's eyes widened in horror.

" No!" Ayan exclaimed, "I just wanted to come. I have been waiting for this moment for my brother getting married." Ahad smiled at his younger brother, "I made many plans for it. But it was unfortunate that things didn't go as we thought. Still, the least I could do is not to miss out Bhai's Walima."

Kanwal remained silent, she was too confused to give a proper response. Everyone was under the impression that Ahad's family had nothing to do with him anymore, but upon meeting Ayan here, her mind started to raise questions.

"Aunty and Uncle are with you too?" She asked, looking back and forth between Ayan and Ahad.

"No Bhabi, I came alone. Actually, no one knows that I am here."

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